Saturday, November 30, 2019

Westernization of India Essay Example

Westernization of India Essay Over the years the civilizations of the world have adopted many of the West’s styles and ways of life. This â€Å"Westernization† has started a downward spiral in destroying the cultural diversity of the world. As one of the oldest nations in the sense of tradition and culture, India has been a land of sages, saints and various renowned scholars. Countless religious temples and shrines built in different parts of the nation expose the devotion to religion and family that dwells within all aspects of India’s culture. Everything was steady for India until a few decades back. Most of the people were farmers and survived on their pieces of land. They were satisfied with their earning and hardly had any time to think further. As a result tradition was in touch and people were in harmony with the Indian tradition. Mahatmas Gandhi understood the importance of these traditions and recognized the greatest hope for the continuation of them rely in the villages. Mahatma Gandhi was a champion of swadeshi, or home economy. People outside India know of Gandhis campaigns to end British colonialism, but this was only a small part of his struggle. The greater part of Gandhis work was to renew Indias vitality and regenerate its culture. Gandhi was not interested simply in exchanging rule by white sahibs for rule by brown sahibs; he wanted the government to surrender much of its power to local villages. As the time passed by and India got independence, the scenario started changing slowly and gradually. Westernization started attracting the Indian citizens towards it like a magnet. The desires of the western world engrossed the masses of Indians striving to mimic the lifestyle and comforts of the â€Å"rich life†. We will write a custom essay sample on Westernization of India specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Westernization of India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Westernization of India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The intoxication of westernization was so powerful that people started to get carried away with it. The things were new, tempting, and foreign to the people, yet blind to their desires they failed to see that these things might become their habit some day and deviate them from their genuine goods and culture that India once held to be its crown jewel. The greed engulfs the eyes of the Indian Government which spills into the society like a river, causing the people to relinquish themselves to western way of life, even at the cost of forgetting their own rich traditions. In an excerpt from the book â€Å"The Third World† by Paul Harrison, called â€Å"the westernized world†, the emphasis is laid on social and cultural aspects. He debates â€Å"The under development of the third world and its people cannot be compartmentalized, if it is to be fully grasped. It is a situation in which every element plays a part. The nations of the third world are very dissimilar, but still, there are some similarities. † Harrison uses the idea of third world to observe these dissimilarities. Harrison recounts a real life experience. A traditional opera, shown in Singapore is watched by the elderly people and the children only. The younger audience, he was being told, found it too old fashioned. They favored western music to this old fashioned opera. The youth of any third world nation, has a thirst for `something that is western. This could be anything from clothing, music, entertainment shows, or every day habits and styles. Harrisons continues to express how â€Å"The mimicry extends to architecture, industrial technology, approaches to health care, education and housing. † The nations of the third world have their own identity, which is unique in many ways. Why then do the people forget their own identity and develop a never ending obsession for western way of life? Why do countless countries follow the European way of life, even at the cost of destroying their own traditional and cultural values? In Harrison’s mind â€Å"It is the most pervasive example of what historians call cultural diffusion in the history of mankind†. One of the major reason for such submissive mentality , is colonization . Europeans never were and are ready to accept that â€Å"native cultures could be in any way , materially , morally or spiritually , be superior to their own. This insatiable determination to save third-world countries and bring them to a level respectable in the western world has sparked the desire for a falsely painted idea that money and stuff brings happiness. The idea that the least work one has to do while making the most profit is the solution to the issues we face every day. This idea has caused the Indian government and s ociety to fall into the melting pot of greed and social labels. Westernization in India has caused many people to reject their traditional style of clothing and alter their daily life to conform to the styles of the Western part of the world. Families whose tradition it was to work on a farm and support themselves are now having to flee to the cities to find work due to their inability to survive with the low money they earn. By introducing the multitude of objects and eases of the western world the Indian culture has adopted the totalitarian system very familiar to the western world, one fueled by money and ego controlled by few members of India’s population. For Gandhi, the spirit and the soul of India rested in the village communities. He said, The true India is to be found not in its few cities, but in its seven hundred thousand villages. If the villages perish, India will perish too. Swadeshi is a program for long-term survival. Regardless of the few Indians who held steady to the idea that life worked better when the laziness of western comforts were out of the picture, the masses quickly pivoted India into a new direction deemed worthy by western eyes. Mahatma Gandhi held true to his notion that with new values instilled by the colonization and westernization of India the people of India are doomed to slowly rid themselves of these traditions that were once kept dear. Someone once asked Gandhi, What do you think of Western civilization? He simply responded, It would be a good idea. For Gandhi a civilization that rests on the support of machines was no civilization at all. A society in which workers are a slave to labor at the side of conveyor belts, in which animals were treated heartlessly in factory farms, and in which economic movement unavoidably lead to ecological devastation, could not be conceived of as a civilization. Its citizens could only end up as neurotics; the natural world would inevitably be transformed into a desert, and its cities into concrete jungles. The manufacturers, the entrepreneurs, and the intellectuals in collusion with the government see India as part of the global economy working hand in glove with the multinational corporations. As Mahatma Gandhi projected, India’s politic body is seething with corruption. The gap between the poor and the rich is getting thicker and thicker while the poor are poorer than ever, and the growing middle classes are turning away from the Congress Party. The farmers are agitated to find no hope in competition with the seeds patented by multinational companies. The undeniable corruption that permeates the money and society that been forming in India since English colonization is reaching the brink. The people of India, among whom the teachings of Gandhi are still very much alive, will react against it and will return to swadeshi for the reenchantment of their local culture, their community, and their lives. In fact, the lessons of swadeshi may bring hope for an economics of permanence even among Westerns, once the fraudulent promise of economic growth and industrialism is exposed. Mahatma Gandhi, known as the ‘Father of the Nation’ attempted to revive the public from obsessing over western things. He initiated a ‘Swadeshi Movement’, highlighting the use of commodities manufactured in the India contrived of its own raw material. He requested people to make use of ‘Khadi clothes’ so that British cloth did not form a monopoly within the market. It has served as a boon for the Indian manufacturing unit and would provide more employment for the poverty-stricken people. Though it was a great move initiated by Gandhi, the seeds of westernization were so deep sown that after the death of Gandhi the Indian scenario totally changed. India got freedom, and elite group from India started following British trends and implementing them in the nation as well. As a result general public also started following it. Thus drifting the Indian people, culture and traditions towards the world of westernization. Works Cited 1. Gandhi, M. K. Ghandi: an Autobiography: the Story of My Experiments with Truth. Boston: Beacon, 1957. Print. 2. Gandhi, Mahatma. The Essential Gandhi: an Anthology of His Writings on His Life, Work and Ideas. Ed. Louis Fischer. New York: Vintage, 2002. Print. 3. Harrison, Paul. Inside the Third World: the Anatomy of Poverty. London: Penguin, 1993. Print.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Man for All Seasons Summary and Characters

A Man for All Seasons Summary and Characters A Man for All Seasons, a play written by Robert Bolt, retells the historic events surrounding Sir Thomas More, the Chancellor of England who remained silent regarding Henry VIIIs divorce. Because More would not take an oath which essentially endorsed the kings separation from the church in Rome, the Chancellor was imprisoned, tried, and eventually executed. Throughout the drama, More is forthright, witty, contemplative, and honest. Some might argue that he is too honest. He follows his conscience all the way to the chopping block. A Man for All Seasons asks us, How far would we go to remain honest? In the case of Sir Thomas More, we behold a man who speaks with utmost sincerity, a virtue that will cost him his life. The Basic Plot Shortly after the death of Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Thomas Moore, a wealthy lawyer and loyal subject of King Henry VIII, accepts the title of Chancellor of England. With that honor comes an expectation. The King expects More to sanction the divorce and his subsequent marriage to Anne Boleyn. More is caught between his obligations to the crown, his family, and the tenants of the church. Open disapproval would be an act of treason. Public approval would defy his religious beliefs. Therefore, More chooses silence, hoping that by staying quiet he can maintain his honesty and avoid the executioner as well. Unfortunately, ambitious men such as Thomas Cromwell are more than happy to see More crumble. By treacherous and dishonest means, Cromwell manipulates the court system, stripping More of his title, wealth, and freedom. The Character of Sir Thomas More When writing an essay about a literary work, students would be wise to analyze the character arc of the protagonist. Most main characters undergo a transformation. However, one could argue that Thomas Moore, the man who remains consistent throughout the seasons (in good times and bad), does not change. If you are looking for an essay topic in response to A Man for All Seasons, consider this question: Is Sir Thomas More a static character or a dynamic character? Many aspects of Mores nature hold steadfast. He demonstrates devotion to his family, friends, and servants. Although he adores his daughter, he does not give in to her desire to marry until her fiancà © repents his so-called heresy. He exhibits no temptation when offered bribes and contemplates no underhanded schemes when faced with political enemies. From beginning to end, he is forthright and honest. Even when locked away in the Tower of London, he politely interacts with his jailers and interrogators. Despite these almost angelic characteristics, More explains to his daughter that he is no martyr, meaning that he does not wish to die for a cause. Rather, he fervently maintains his silence in hopes that the law will protect him. During his trial, he explains that the law mandates that silence must be legally perceived as consent; therefore, More argues, he has not officially disapproved of King Henry. Yet, his opinion is not quieted forever. After losing the trial and receiving a death sentence, More decides to explicitly reveal his religious objections to the Kings divorce and second marriage. Here, students may find evidence of a character arc. Why does Sir Thomas More voice his position now? Does he hope to persuade others? Is he lashing out in anger or hatred, emotions he has kept in check until now? Or does he simply feel as though he has nothing more to lose? Whether Mores character is perceived as static or dynamic, A Man For All Seasons generates thought-provoking ideas about honesty, morality, law, and society. The Supporting Characters The Common Man is a recurring figure throughout the play. He appears as a boatman, a servant, a juror, and many other everyday subjects of the kingdom. In each scenario, the common mans philosophies contrast with Mores in that they focus on day-to-day practicalities. When More can no longer pay his servants a living wage, the Common Man must find work elsewhere. He is not interested in facing extreme hardship for the sake of a good deed or a clear conscience. The devious Thomas Cromwell exhibits so much power-hungry maliciousness that audiences will want to boo him off the stage. However, we learn in the epilogue that he receives his comeuppance; Cromwell is charged with treason and executed, just like his rival Sir Thomas More. Unlike the plays blatant villain Cromwell, the character Richard Rich serves as a more complex antagonist. Like other characters in the play, Rich wants power. However, unlike the members of the court, he doesnt have any wealth or status at the beginning of the play. He waits for an audience with More, eager to obtain a position in court. Although very friendly with him, More does not trust Rich and therefore does not offer the young man a place in court. Instead, he urges Rich to become a teacher. However, Rich wants to attain political greatness. Cromwell offers Rich the chance to join his side, but before Rich accepts the shady position, he desperately pleads to work for More. We can tell that Rich genuinely admires More, yet he cannot resist the lure of power and wealth which Cromwell dangles in front of the young man. Because More senses Rich is untrustworthy, he turns him away. Rich eventually embraces his role as a scoundrel. During the final courtroom scene, he provides false testimony, dooming the man he once revered.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Smoke Bomb Safety Information

Smoke Bomb Safety Information Its easy to make a smoke bomb and actually pretty safe, but when you read about projects online its hard to tell which ones are safe as in you probably wont die or poison yourself and which fall into the category of Id let me own kids do this. Generally, its safe for teens to make smoke bombs with adult oversight, while younger explorers need direct adult supervision. Key Takeaways: Smoke Bombs Homemade smoke bombs are made using potassium nitrate and sugar, which are both found in food. While not intended to be eaten, they are largely non-toxic.Some smoke bomb recipes call for cooking the ingredients, which presents the risk of fire or smoke. Smoke bombs do not explode.Adult supervision is recommended. What are some safety considerations of the project? This reader email covers the important questions: My 13-yr old son wants to make a homemade smoke bomb (with adult supervision). Before conducting this home chemistry experiment, I want to be sure this can be done safely. What are the risks/potential dangers associated with this procedure? Is there any risk of the smoke bomb exploding, or igniting rapidly? Under what circumstances? What should should we watch out for? Also, where is the best place to buy a small quantity of potassium nitrate? Is it still available at most garden stores? Some stump removers use other chemicals; and some don’t list ingredients at all. Any advice most appreciated! Smoke bombs are made by reacting potassium nitrate (saltpeter) with sugar over low burner heat. The project wont harm your cookware, plus the ingredients are safe enough that you can use the dishes you would use for eating, as long as you clean them. The MSDS for potassium nitrate provides handling and safety details, but Ill summarize the relevant points. Though potassium nitrate is found in some foods, you dont want to eat the pure powder. Its reactive, so it will cause itching and/or burning if you inhale any or get it on your skin. Potassium nitrate should be stored away from heat or flame. The chemical isnt flammable, but its extremely reactive. Heat promotes reactions, which you dont want occurring on a shelf in your garage, for example. Follow the safety instructions on the container. If you get it on your skin, immediately rinse it off with water. If you spill potassium nitrate on the counter while making the smoke bomb, wipe it off with water. You want good ventilation while heating the ingredients, as from a vented fan. An outdoor stove would be a good option. The big thing to watch for is spilling the mixture on the burner because it will catch on fire and smoke. If that happens, youll get a lot of smoke and probably set off your smoke alarm. The smoke itself is no more or less dangerous than wood smoke, which means you dont want to take deep breaths of it. Ignite the smoke bomb outdoors. I cant envision a scenario where it would be possible to cause the smoke bomb to explode. How much flame you get depends on the potassium nitrate to sugar ratio. You can go from a smoky blob that will barely burn to a fast-burning fiery smoke bomb. If you set the smoke bomb on a combustible surface (like dried leaves), it could start a fire. If you need to put out the smoke bomb, you can douse it with water. The hardest part about making a smoke bomb is finding the potassium nitrate. In some places, it may be sold next to Epsom salts in the pharmacy section of a store. It is found in some garden supply centers as a fertilizer. It is sold as a food preservative for making salted meats. If youre highly motivated and have some time, you could even prepare it yourself. However, its probably easiest to buy a small quantity online (e.g., Sargent-Welch). Supposedly some Indian food stores sell it as an ingredient named Kala Nimak. If youre in the UK, search online for a list of places that offer potassium nitrate. Its harder to find than in the past, not so much because it can be used to make gunpowder as because better products are available for most applications.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Critical Analysis of Some Processes in the Cultivation Effect by Research Paper

A Critical Analysis of Some Processes in the Cultivation Effect by Robert Hawkins and Suzanne Pingree - Research Paper Example The methodology adopted by the researchers, including detailed description of control variables introduced, is comprehensively explained. Any similarities, as well as the differences, in researchers’ approach with Gerbner and Gross’s method, are pointed out. The qualitative as well as quantitative data is properly explained and the researchers’ justifications for the deviant data values are also analytically evaluated. The findings, which stated that the very young audience is not psychologically mature enough to get ‘cultivated’ by television, and perception of a ‘violent’ world is associated with the amount of crime related dramas and cartoons seen by the children, are adequately explained. Any shortcomings in the researchers’ approach and logic, such as, small research period, and generalized control variables, are discussed. Proper recommendations, for instance, advanced study of preconceived notions in children over a long pe riod of time, are provided. Introduction In 1976, while exploring the continuing effects of extensive television viewing on American audience, George Gerbner and Larry Gross introduced the ‘cultivation theory.’ The primary conclusion of their research was that prolonged exposure to violence related material on the television, results in the formation of a societal reality in the minds of the viewers, which further dictates their thought formation and alters their social behavior (Gerbner and Gross, 1976). To further this hypothesis, Robert Hawkins and Suzanne Pingree, in 1977, conducted a detailed research, to study how exactly cultivation effect takes place, and what variables can enhance or diminish it. In 1980, they documented their findings in a publication titled â€Å"Some Processes in the Cultivation Effect,† which is the subject of this paper. This paper will analyze how Hawkins and Pingree, in the light of ‘cultivation hypothesis’, formulate d their thesis, conducted research, and interpreted qualitative and quantitative data. Furthermore, this paper will suggest any revisions, deemed necessary, to their adopted research methodology, along with the recommendations that can enhance their findings. Hawkins and Pingree’s research was based on the already established fact that the viewers highly exposed to television programming, both aggressive and non aggressive, would carry a certain amount of prejudice in their social outlook. They were also influenced by the contrasting and contradicting studies conducted by various researchers in other parts of world, controlling numerous variables, such as Doob and McDonald’s study of cultivation effects among various demographics in Toronto, Canada (1979), and Wober’s research in Great Britain (1978). These studies showed that the effect of television on viewer’s perception is certain, however, what is still unknown is the exact ‘size and importance of that effect’ (Pingree and Hawkins, 1980). Generally, it was observed that, when controlling a third variable, there was no strong relation between watching violent programming and fearing that viewer himself would get involved in a similar scenario. One of the reasons could be that people in other parts of the worlds were unconsciously aware that their society was different than that of America, and therefore, were not impacted that much by American programming. Furthermore, not much research had been done involving controls that would illuminate the exact process of cultivation in the children. There had been studies involving age as a variable, and discovering that children in the learning stages are usually more susceptible to the television messaging systems, as compared to very young and an older audience (Drabman et

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Intercultural Experience Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intercultural Experience - Personal Statement Example Today she was cooking pulled pork that was slow cooked in oil. Maria served this on freshly cooked corn tortillas with a variety of toppings. It was obvious in the household that the family was from Mexico and had a rich religious tradition. There were religious icons on the end tables as well as a bible in a conspicuous place on the table. There were also pictures on the wall that depicted religious scenes. I asked Maria about there religious background and she told me they were Catholics. The father, Juan, said that the Catholic religion was a dominant religion in Mexico and both he and Maria had become Catholics at birth and had been baptized into the religion as young children in Mexico. There was no doubt that Juan was the head of the household. He sat in the chair that dominated the living area. When the meal was served, Juan sat at the head of the table and was served first. The family seemed to attend to his needs and offered him a great amount of respect. I asked Maria if her children were always as well behaved as they were today, or if they were just on their best behavior for my benefit. She said that they were always well behaved during dinner. Meals were a special occasion and the children and family regarded mealtime as a time to talk and communicate with one another.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Existentialism of Samuel Beckett Essay Example for Free

Existentialism of Samuel Beckett Essay Samuel Beckett was a very astound Existentialist. Beckett’s work was essentially existentialist and consciously or unconsciously, his works were infused with the idea that things have no inherent meaning and that our fallacy is to perceive meaning in everything. Existential philosophy became prevalent in the twentieth century as a symbol of the destruction of culture and tradition following World War II, asserting the hopelessness of humanity and focusing on life in a more honest but pessimistic manner than other socialistic philosophies. The philosophy recognizes the fact that humankind is capable of great evil and has limitless possibilities. Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of ones acts. It emphasizes the difference between human existence and that of inanimate objects. Existentialism was a term adopted by Jean-Paul Sartre. Existentialism was identified with a cultural movement that flourished in Europe in the 1940s and 1950s. Heideggers 1927 Being and Time, an inquiry into the â€Å"being that we ourselves are† (which he termed â€Å"Dasein,† a German word for existence), introduced most of the motifs that would characterize later existentialist thinking(Edward). One existentialist view is absolute individuality and absolute freedom. The Existentialist conceptions of freedom and value come from their view of an individual. Since we are all ultimately alone, isolated islands of subjectivity in an objective world, we have absolute freedom over our internal nature, and the source of our value can only be internal. I feel Beckett expressed this view in the expelled when the main character got thrown out of his apartment. He had no one he could turn to for help. He just started wondering the city not caring where he was going. He knew getting thrown out wasn’t the end for him because he controlled his own destiny. Another existentialist view is the view of human nature. Existentialism is defined by the slogan Existence precedes Essence. Meaning we have no predetermined nature or essence that controls what we are, what we do, or what is valuable for us. Human beings have no essential self; they are no more than what they appear. A person is basically born with a blank slate; humans have no uniform, predetermined principles or ethics common to all of mankind. Since there is no preformed essence or definition that exists for what it means to be human, a person must form conception of existence by asserting control of and responsibility for their actions and choices. Consequently, a human being gains essence through individual choices and actions. It is solely through the process of living that one defines ones self(Existence Precedes Essence). I feel Beckett expressed this point heavily in â€Å"Krapp’s Last Tape†. The character was an older man listening to a tape of when he was younger. He could listen to the way he use to think, act and be as a younger man. He was also able to see how his past had affected his life in the present but he still had no idea what laid ahead of him. That is way he made this tape’s so he could remind in self in the future what he thought lay ahead of him in the past. He knew to always go back and listen to the tapes to ponder on what he had made for himself and no had predetermined it. Existentialist encourage us to consider, in a personal way, the meaning of living authentically and inauthentically(Oaklander). Man is the only known being, according to the philosophers, that defines itself merely through the act of living. First you exist, and then the individual emerges as he makes life decisions. Freedom of choice, through which each human being creates their own nature, is one of the basic themes. Because individuals are free to choose their own way, Existentialist have argued that they must accept the risk they choose to take and responsibility of their actions. Those people that follow this believe they are in a world that does not always make sense, a world that is filled with uncertainty where well-intended actions can become obscure and chaotic. In basic existentialist beliefs, man is the only animal defining itself through life. Without life, there is no meaning. Existentialist believe in life and fighting for it. While fighting for life, each person must face important and difficult decisions with only limited knowledge and time in which to make these decisions. Human life is seen as a series of decisions that must be made without knowing what the correct choice is. They must decide what standards to except and which ones to reject. Individuals must make their own choices without help from external standards. Humans are free and completely responsible for their choices. Their freedom and responsibility is thrust upon them and they are â€Å"condemned to be free†. Existentialist belief people are responsible for their actions, decisions and beliefs which caused them anxiety. They try to escape by ignoring or denying their responsibility. To have a meaningful life one must become fully aware of his true self and his situation and bravely accept it. Yet other existentialist thought dictates every person spends a lifetime changing his or her essence. Without life there can be no meaning, the search for meaning in existentialism is the search for self. In other words, we define ourselves by living, killing yourself would indicate you have chosen to have no meaning. Existentialist believe in living, in fact fighting for life. In Molloy I feel Beckett expressed this believe many times. First, at the beginning when his mother was dying and dead. He stated â€Å"I have her room. I sleep in her bed. I piss and shit in her pot. † this says to me that even though she had died he had to continue living his life. Also in Expelled Becket had traces of this theme. At the end when he left the cabdrivers carriage in the morning. I felt he was portraying that he used the cabdriver. He just needed a place to stay the night. The next morning he got up and left without saying anything. He got what he needed to survive the night then continued on his life. Samuel Beckett always used the Quote â€Å"a step from the cradle to the grave†. I feel this Quote means that you are only a split second away from dying. Even when you’re a new born one thing could go wrong and you’re died. Beckett used this saying in many of his writings. One time he used this saying was in the Expelled. He said â€Å"In what had just happened to me there was nothing in the least memorable. It was neither the cradle nor the game of anything whatever. Or rather it resembled so many other cradles, so many other graves, that I’m lost. † the character could not remember anything in life. He could not till if he was at the cradle of his life or the grave because they are so close together in life. Existentialism was a very big part of way Samuel Beckett was such a great writer. His works were infused with the idea that things have no inherent meaning and that our fallacy is to perceive meaning in everything which is way his stories where so great. He was also one of the last people to write in that form. After researching this subject I plan on studying Existentialism more in depth. Works cited 1. Barsoum Diane. Existentialism and the Philosophical Tradition 2. Edward N. Zalta, Standford encyclopedia of philosophy 3. Existence Precedes Essence: Jean-Paul Sartres Existentialism and Human Emotions Online at:http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/186425/existence_precedes_essence_jeanpaul. html? cat=38 4. Grene, Marjorie. Introduction To Existentialism. 5. Oaklander, L. Nathan, Existentialist Philosophy an Introduction.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Dave of The Dave Matthews Band :: Music Musical Matthews Essays

Dave of The Dave Matthews Band Death and destruction sells in this day in age. As Santana so correctly put it, â€Å"It seems that I thrive on the dark side of things/ I always feel alive when the death bell rings/ now you come and you bring out the tears in me† As a culture, Americans have a tendency to enjoy something that gets their blood boiling, something that makes them want to just let it all go and scream as apposed to something that makes them feel all warm and bubbly inside. There are however, those bands out there that do manage to keep their fan base interested with love songs that are reminiscent of the sixties â€Å"flower children.† One of the greatest is the Dave Matthews Band. In order to understand Dave and his band, one has to understand Dave’s history. Dave was born in South Africa. Through out his childhood, he moved in and out of the states. Eventually, after his farther died in New York in the 80’s, Dave and his family decided to move back to South Africa. This is when, due to the hatred that engulfs this particular region of our â€Å"peaceful† world, his sister was murdered. One can safely assume that Dave took it upon himself to spread a loving message through his music. Love of ones neighbor is his common theme. Two of the more powerful songs that show this over all image of love are â€Å"The Best of What’s Around† and â€Å"Jimmi Thing.† â€Å"Hey my friend, it seems your eyes are troubled, care to share, your time with me?† Do you care to let me share some of your burdens? â€Å"The Best of What’s Around† is a song that puts the listener into the shoes of one of Dave’s friends. In the song, Dave is found comforting that friend through hard times. There are many forms of love in this world, one being, the love of thy neighbor. In â€Å"The Best of What’s Around† Dave is abiding by the golden rule, â€Å"Love thy neighbor as thyself.† Treat your friends with the same respect that you expect to receive. Its human nature to share loads. When someone sees that their friend is in a bad state, there is a natural urge for that person to try to help their friend out.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Genesis Essay

Genesis gives me a lot of insight to â€Å"the beginning†. As I have read the Book of Genesis, it gave me total but not complete insight of how things were in the past to get where we are now according to the scriptures. What really intrigues me was how the human identity was formed because many ideas are said that we come from animals and evolved over time another, also is said that we come from the Lord himself, lastly one is said that we come from even nature. This chapter in this book showed me a lot and how the world was created and how things like family, the natural world and the covenant was brought upon us. The book of Genesis refutes the opening verses says that there are many believers and disbelievers of God(s); Such as atheism which believes there is no God at all, Pantheism believes that all is God, Polytheism believes that many god exist, materialism which is matter is eternal, humanism which is man is the measure, and naturalism which is nature is ultimate. O.T Allis says and believes that He (God) is the creator of both! Primeval History shares how Israel’s purpose by going through God’s redemptive program and messianic lineage from Eden to Abraham. The first two chapters of Genesis describe God’s original creation. (Yates, 55) The world is a place that was created by God according to the book of Genesis. The pinnacle of God’s creation was said to be â€Å"Man†. But in the creation it tells us how original creation was impacted so negatively by sin in the world he created. Adam and Eve were a good example of this, it was said to us since we were little that they plagued the world by giving into the devil himself and eating the apple off the tree when God asked them not to. Which they were issued a punishment, which they wouldn’t have eternal life, and they would have to suffer together and grow old and die. They had kids and their (Adam and Eve’s) descendants rebelled against God just like their parents. I believe that this is how human relationships were formed. God had little sorts of ways to manipulate people to bring his word about and how to connect with people. He chose to use the FLOOD to connect with Noah because as sin approached its epic proportions as human race became involved more and more. Noah stood out as a righteous man who walked with God every step of the way, which God went to him and told him to build a arch because he was going to flood the world and everything in it to restore creation. The creation of human government with the power of capital punishment was a deterrent to prevent humanity to regress back to violence. Genesis 1-11 on these topics it mostly shows me that the world mostly grew on Sin. Sin was a big time factor we had growing up from Adam and Eve and their descendants. This teaching regarding Adam and Eve shows how their sinful acts of rebellion against God. This goes to show how people in everyday life disobey God or break the Ten Commandments. Genesis 1-11 teaches me that human relationships should involve man and women. Not man and man or women and women. Adam and Eve were created to show the world a human relationship. Adam and Eve also showed me human Identity they were the first human’s created. Adam was created as a symbol of God himself with the Hebrew word Adam known for â€Å"Mankind† and Eve is known for â€Å"To Live†. Chapters 1 through 11 teach how the world’s creation, the mankind of origins and what the Hebrews thought about in the creation of the world. The story of Adam and Eve tells the myth of the truth about our mankind. The last chapter says that there was only one language that God put in because of what people built in the babel tower. Genesis of the Babylonian Exile, added the story of anthropologists developing languages over thousands of years and created new languages and evolved older languages. Which seemed to develop the story of the Tower of Babel. (Yates, 59) This changes my view of the world because in the first passage it is said that God created heaven and earth. Before he created those things he existed prior to making those two. The book only speaks of one God; it shows the creation of the Lord by making the universe. Since, he created heaven and earth, he must be above his creation. The Book of Genesis is given readers an accurate understanding and interpretation of the world. This should teach individuals how they look at the world. Through all these teachings I understand that the world portrays God in many ways and they do not even know it!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Great Baby Einstein Scam Essay

The text â€Å"The Great Baby Einstein Scam† was written by Mira Jacob. This text is an argumentative issue giving details supporting why parents should not buy materials, such as videos, in hopes of their babies becoming geniuses. The sole purpose of this article is to inform the public of Disney’s inconspicuous way of apologizing for their attempt at misleading parents to believe that they had developed a â€Å"Baby Einstein† video for babies, in whom these videos hopefully would turn your baby into little geniuses, was to issue out refunds. This video, called â€Å"Baby Einstein,† have had a disappointing outcome, which caused an upset, especially with parents. This video used a known genius â€Å"Einstein† to promote its sales. The readers are parents with babies six months to two years, wanting their children to have an advantage of being very smart. These readers are those that knew Einstein was a genius, which gave the scammers leverage for the â€Å"Baby Einstein† video scam. The readers are those who wanted to believe that there is a magical, wondrous, no parental-guidance-required product that will turn their kids into Mensa members. Mira Jacob, is an editor at the online magazine Shine. She was intrigued by an article in the New York Times that said Disney was offering a refund to buyers of â€Å"Baby Einstein† videos that did not do as it promised. The author wants the parents not to depend on every â€Å"educational† toy out there. One constraint is a large number of parents with babies ages six months to two years were convinced to buy the â€Å"Baby Einstein† videos. Another constraint is parents believing that if their babies watched the video the babies would become geniuses. Another constraint is the combination of our lack of time, our paranoia over our kid’s performance, and our faith in technology that caused this generation of parents to accept the clever advertising of the video to be considered as truth. The Exigence of this article is parents with babies six months to two years bought the videos that help their child a chance at becoming a Genius? The only problem with all of this is the video didn’t work.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mrs. Wright versus Louisa essays

Mrs. Wright versus Louisa essays Desolate, solitary and lonely: these are all qualities that are affiliated with the character Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Wright is a character from the short story "A Jury of her Peers" by Susan Glaspell. Unlike Mrs. Wright, Louisa, from "A New England Nun" by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, lives alone, but Louisa was not truly lonely. Both women, Mrs. Wright and Louisa, were alone, nonetheless Mrs. Wright was lonelier. Louisa, a spinster in the short story, decided that she wanted to live her life alone. Because she was set in her way of doing things, she did not want to change her lifestyle for someone else. Just because Louisa lived alone, does not make her a lonely person. "She had lived so long in one way that she shrank from making a change (page 71)."" Louisa may have been alone, without a companion, but she had a dog and a canary for company, and she liked to sew, polish her china to perfection and look out her window. She had hobbies, and did not feel as if she were lonely. Mrs. Wright, on the other hand, was extremely lonely. She did not have children, and did not have any friends or pets. She had her husband, but they did not have a very good relationship. Thus, this excludes her having a companion, that is, someone to talk to. In fact, Mr. John Wright was not a very cheerful person. He even, supposedly, killed Mrs. Wright's pet canary. "Wright wouldn't like the bird, a thing that sang. She used to sing. He killed that too (page 170)."" She had liked to sing in the choir, and bought the bird to listen to and also for companionship. She had been lonely previously, but must have been even lonelier without it. Even the trees outside her house were lonely, and her house was lonesome. Mrs. Wright didn't have anything to subside her loneliness without her bird, a caring husband or close friends. Mrs. Wright was so lonely, that she must have become crazy. Without having anybody ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Cadbury Dairy

Cadbury Dairy milk is in the mature stage of the product life cycle, the reason being is that it is a well-established product since 1905. The maturity point is generally reached when about half the potential users have adopted the product. Since Cadbury Dairy Milk is Australia’s favourite chocolate, it is safe to say that there is already consumer trust and loyalty to the brand. However customers still need continued satisfaction and loyalty, built on lower cost, differentiation or customer service. Seeing that Cadbury chocolate is considered a common brand name in households all over Australia, there is nothing within the external environment that should be modified and it will remain in a strong steady position in the confectionery industry. Product: In order to continue generating sales, Cadbury took into consideration one of the threats that the confectionery industry is facing today. Consumers are becoming more health conscious; therefore Cadbury will support and promote physical activity by giving away mountain bikes to 100 lucky winners around Australia! The promotion will only feature in the Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate block range: including the Fruit and Nut, Hazelnut etc†¦ Featured on the wrapping will be, â€Å"WIN A MOUNTAIN BIKE† with a picture of the bike that will be won. Price: The pricing of Dairy Milk Chocolate will also maintain the same pricing strategies to remain competitive with its competitors Nestle and Mars. Place: The distribution of Cadbury Dairy Milk should be at its maximum capacity, remaining readily available in supermarkets, convenience stores, seven elevens and kiosks. Promotion: Cadbury should continue to generate promotions to remind and encourage consumers to purchase Dairy milk chocolate. In order to maintain the sales of Dairy Milk, sales promotion should be implemented to generate growth. This is done by creating advertisements on Television and in-store promotional posters to display the promotion that is running. The television and in-store promotion is to inform consumers of the promotion that is currently running. The sales promotion will be â€Å"WIN A MOUNTAIN BIKE† This promotion is for the Cadbury Dairy Milk block chocolate range. Every consumer that purchases a block range from Cadbury’s will have the opportunity to enter the competition by text via SMS a code that is given inside the wrapper. f. ) Marketing Action Plans: A key objective is to hold current customers and to maintain and increase the retail and brand market share to make sure that the Cadbury brand and products remain one of the top selling confectionery brands in Australia. Since Cadbury Dairy Milk is in the top five selling chocolates list, there will be no need for any tremendous change. A good way to promote The other Cadbury block chocolate range such as Fruit and nut and Hazelnut†¦etc will also have his competition. Price: Cadbury’s human resources department will need to find a place that will provide us with the mountain bikes. The costing of the bikes and the overall promotions will need to be considered, as Cadbury does not want to spend so much on promotions, when Cadbury Dairy Milk is not declining any time soon. Promotion: Pictures of this new competition will need to be put in magazines such as: Women’s day, News Idea, newspapers†¦. etc†¦designers will be needed to create the advertisements for this promotion. However, to promote Cadbury Dairy Milk’s new competition, television is the key to ensure that viewers all around Australia will know about the â€Å"WIN A MOUNTAIN BIKE† promotion. As television is the main and preferred type of advertising, it is certain that consumers will know about the competition faster. And in addition to that, the Cadbury chocolate commercials will still be showing, to heighten promotions. It is best to air the promotion on television between 4:00 pm – 9:00pm, since that is the time when consumers are most likely to be at home. Place: The exposure of Cadbury Dairy Milk promotion will need to be more publicized in convenience stores and kiosks in the form of a poster. g. ) Management of the marketing effort and the marketing function: In order to make sure that they marketing effort and function works accordingly a few steps have to be taken in regards to the management of the planning. The three step process that will have to be put in place will be based around †¢Marketing Implementation –The process of putting marketing strategies into action †¢Intended Strategy The strategy that the company decides on during the planning phase †¢Realized Strategy – The strategy that actually takes place Cadbury must be able to respond and adapt to its internal marketing department. Coordinating internal exchanges between the firm and its employees to achieve successful external exchanges between the firm and its customers is very important as it allows for a gauge or a measure to be received as a result of acceptance and understanding. In regards to the marketing activities it all starts within the Cadbury management team. The ability to motivate marketing personnel plays a large part in the initial process to get the promotional idea off the ground, once the team is able to have a grip of the idea that tackles the current health issue and that a bike will be awarded as a prize and health product then extreme communication within the marketing unit will be essential. Openness and responsiveness from other marketing departments will be just as important to make sure that the management and strategy travels across all channels. This will be indispensable to the organizing and coordinating of marketing activities which then lead to a schedule for implementation. The marketing control process consists of three steps; Establishment of control standards, Evaluation of actual performance relative to established standards and corrective action if necessary. A few key guidelines that will help Cadbury in controlling marketing activities: Within the Marketing Control Process †¢Establishing performance standards and trying to match actual performance to those standards Establishing Performance Standards Expected levels of performance †¢Taking Corrective Action oImprove actual performance oReduce or change the performance standards oDo both †¢Problems in Controlling Marketing Activities oLack of the information required to control activities oUncontrollable influence of market environment changes on marketing activities oTime lag that occurs between marketing campaigns and their results delays corrective actions A few problems can also occur in the controlling of marketing activities, however the ability to act on these problems will only make the campaign more successful and responsive.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

9 paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

9 paragraph - Essay Example is was pronounced by Shelley in Frankenstein saying â€Å"Nothing could exceed the love and respect which the younger cottagers exhibited towards their venerable companion. They performed towards him every little office of affection and duty with gentleness, and he rewarded them by his benevolent smiles† (Shelley 82). Opposite to love is also the feeling of desolation due to Frankenstein monstrous appearance as he was a mere creation of man. This was evident with these line â€Å"cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live? Why, in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence which you had so wantonly bestowed? I know not; despair had not yet taken possession of me; my feelings were those of rage and revenge. . . when night came I quitted my retreat and wandered in the wood; and now, no longer restrained by the fear of discovery, I gave vent to my anguish in fearful howlings† (Shelley 103). Probably, Frankenstein was Shelley’s attempt put face on man’s ugliest character. Victor’s creation Frankenstein embodied all things that are ugly, wretched, vindictive, hateful and murderous which is the ugly nature of man. All this pain was not of the monster’s doing but the sin of its father which is Victor who has brought him â€Å"pain that nothing could alleviate† (57). Frankenstein also explored the bitter aspect of loving and losing someone. This happened to Victor when the monster killed his brother that he too became a figurative monster because he was consumed by vengeance and shared the monster’s desolation. In the monster’s confession, he told how desolate he felt by being alienated from society; that he â€Å"killed the boy out of revenge† (Shelley 41). The monster further confessed how miserable it feels to be alone and miserable because of his monster physique that even the family of cottagers who sheltered him that gave him hopes for compassion even drove him away. Corollary to this, the novel also explored the folly in man’s life.